Thursday, May 17, 2012

Summer Break

Hello All,

I would like to apologize for my leave of absence. As school came to a close and summer started i have taken a small little break to recoup and what not. As summer has taken off though I have many ideas for projects that i will be beginning soon and i can not wait. Just a little catch up on what has been happening, during finals week there was the student art sale and KotaDayy Artwork sold a total of 6 pieces. I was very thrilled and surprised by this amount. Hopefully more pieces will begin to sell, fingers crossed! If anyone is interested in buying artwork check out the art buying page at

I hope everyone is having a great kick off to the summer and is enjoying this weather =)

<3 Me

Monday, April 30, 2012

Showing Off My Work

Hello Everyone,So today was a big day for me. Normally i like to keep things to myself, i find it very difficult to share my artwork with others due to being scared of rejection and comments. Well today i took the leap of faith. Our school is hosting a student art sale. We did not have to participate but i was excited to maybe make some money, it would be a nice change. So i gathered up a few of my favorite things and i went for it. I entered 6 photographs, a ceramic tea pot and 2 oil paintings. Before the sale even began i had someone purchase my tea pot, and for over the asking price. I was so thrilled!! Thank you everyone for your support and if you are reading this and are in the Marshall area, then get your butt to that sale and check out everyone's great work. I hope everyone has a great day. Sincerely, Me 

Sunday, April 29, 2012

New Layout

Hello Everyone, 

I have changed the layout of the site. If you have not yet noticed, here is a quick run through of the layout. You can find all of my postings in the middle of the page, they will be on the purple background and have the titles. To the left of this you can find a listing of my posts so if you need to refer back to something or want to find old artwork that i have loaded, this will be the place to find it. To the right of the posts you will find everything else. This includes a small bit about myself, a spot to follow my site, a spot to share things you like on Facebook or Twitter and you can also find several other sites that KotaDayy likes, such as my Facebook page and my Pintrest. This layout should make things easier for you all to access things. I hope you enjoy it. Thank you for the feedback that you all have been giving me in e-mails, i truly appreciate it.

Sincerely, Me

Business Cards

KotaDayy Artwork OFFICIALLY has business cards. Please give some feedback to these and let me know what you think about them. I hope to have them printed by the end of May and start getting them out there. Keep your eyes open for them =)

                                                                            (Front side)

                                                                             (Back side)


Today i went on an adventure and i stumbled upon this bridge and captured a few great photos. After uploading the photos this one was my favorite.. It will be my new motivational poster for my room. I am absolutely in love with it! 


                                             (this photo was taken at Coney Island, New York)

Inspiration is the key to everything.. Once you have a goal, set your goal. Never let go of your goal and strive for it. Write it down. Write it every where so that you see it and are constantly reminded of it. Recently i have read the book I'd Rather Be In The Studio and it gives a lot of good insight into how to reach your goals. If anyone is looking for a good read that is motivational, helpful and will really get you going and help you get the jump start you need to progress towards your goal i would seriously recommend reading this book.

Monday, April 23, 2012


Hello Everyone, i would like to ask for your help. Currently I am in a a business of art class and we have been learning how to start up our own websites. Aside from this blog i have established my own facebook page. I have been trying to build an audience for this and this is where you all can come in handy, if you could.. please follow the link below and just like my facebook page. It would greatly help!! Here is the link: 

Thank you everyone =)